Monday, September 13, 2010


this has been the best week ever!!!!!!!! monday was toga party, my first one of college, and we looked great. probably the best looking togas there. people went all out and were really legit and hilarious. went to a SICK asian club called East, check it out!! ki of course lost her wallet at some point in the night so we had our first experience with PUBLIC transportation here.. walked around Broadbeach, so pretty and COOL!!! heres a pic! walking around, we couldnt stop saying "wait, we live here!" exciting! found a starbucks :) and finally ki's wallet with the help of a homeless man.. later we celebrated by going to HIBACHI!! found one in walking distance of campus and made friends with the owners and got free sakiiii yayayayy (kiku > teriyaki mate for those in springfield, il). wednesday we explored a beach called burleigh heads and started shopping for surfboards!!!! water is FREEZING since its coming from antarctica i realized. re-established by kebab obsession that has been put on hold since leaving brussels' pita street! thursday was tight and bright, which most of my costume wardrobe consists of! except DARIAN DOLENC has my favorite pairs of neon leggings!!! i wore a really ridiculous neon pink one piece and leggings. it was a hit. campus bar was packedddd. conviniently met nice aussie boy who lived on my floor who wanted to share his grey goose. i like him. met another aussie boy at the bar who bought me absinth shots. sorry momm...

HAVING A SICK TIME AND CANT BELIEVE IM HERE FOR SCHOOL! post cards going out sometime this week. also planning on getting an aussie phone in the near american phone is suspended while im here so im not getting any calls or texts :( but comment/facebook me!!

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